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Dr Carter Singh is a full time GP partner at Willowbrook Medical Practice, Nottinghamshire. An 'expert-by-lived-experience' in racial inequality, it is this passion that motivates him to challenge discrimination, inequality, and marginalisation in the NHS. The August issue of the BJGP publishes Dr Singh’s letter on Asking questions along with an Editorial on Racism and Health by Paramjit Gill and Virinder Kalra, and an Editor’s briefing on superwingy官网. Life & Times looks at BAME excess deaths and chronic stress by Sarah Evans, 安装_移动开发_ctl215的专栏-CSDN博客:2021-10-10 · (2021年6月18日更,目前App Store可用免费iOS软件:暂无。收费软件:SuperWingy,ShadowBroken。推荐免费下载iOS客户端方法:也可伍电脑下载PP助手,手机连上电脑后会自动将PP助手同步至手机,不需要越狱,之后在手机上通过PP助手下载 by Tariq Hussain, COVID-19 and equity by Gemma Ashwell et al, and indigenous health in the COVID-19 torch by Tim Senior. View the full contents of the August BJGP.
- Cancer incidence following a high-normal platelet count: cohort study using electronic healthcare records from English primary care
- Provision of services in primary care for type 2 diabetes: a qualitative study with patients, GPs, and nurses in the East of England
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Recent Features
Molecular point-of-care testing for flu:
integration into primary care
In managing influenza, antiviral treatment should ideally be started within 48 hours of the onset of symptoms. This is a feasibility study exploring the use of rapid molecular testing in general practice to reduce diagnostic delay. Conventional testing procedures, including sample transport to the laboratory, take considerably longer. Providing an earlier test result will help inform clinical decisions and may improve patient outcomes. Point-of-care testing might also improve information accuracy which could enhance disease surveillance and research. Read the new research by de Lusignan and colleagues from University of Oxford; Vaccine Research Department of FISABIO-Public Health in Valencia; University of Southampton; and NIHR Southampton Biomedical Research Centre.
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GPs in England continue to breach national guidelines on tablet strength designed to avoid accidental methotrexate overdose, according to research on trends in prescribing of methotrexate. High doses of methotrexate increase the risk of toxicity and 21 deaths have been attributed to methotrexate from 1993 to 2017. Doctors are advised to avoid 10mg tablets and prescribe only 2.5mg tablets. Here, Brian MacKenna, Pharmacist Researcher – University of Oxford, from the Evidence-based DataLab discusses the findings. Also watch videos on Practice and OpenPrescribing at SuperWingy免费节点.
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Early warning scores alert clinicians to deterioration in a patient’s condition, with higher scores indicating poorer health. Originally developed for use in hospitals, new research extends the use of National Early Warning Scores (NEWS) to GPs. Scott and colleagues analysed NEWS scores collected for over 13,000 urgent GP referrals to hospital. They found that higher scores are associated with faster travel to hospital by ambulance, and with faster medical review after arriving at hospital. The authors suggest that NEWS could be used by ambulance call handlers and paramedics for triage, and patients and carers could also benefit from education about NEWS to ensure prompt transfer to hospital. Related research by Pullyblank and colleagues examines the use of NEWS scores across a number of settings both in acute trusts and the community. Scores were used by increasing numbers of GPs and, at one centre, 70% of patients had a score recorded on referral. Take up by the ambulance service and GP out of hours service were key to its success.
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Many practices are using or considering using alternatives to face-to-face consultations because of concerns about COVID-19. Important new information and guidance is now available to support video consultations in the Video Consultation document (pdf), on the RCGP website, and on the BJGP Life blog. Produced by researchers at the University of Oxford, the document covers five key topics: when are video consultations appropriate, how can a practice get ready for them, how can clinicians conduct high-quality video consultations, what can patients do to prepare for and take part in them, and what is the research evidence for their quality and safety? The RCGP has also produced a '10 Top Tips' webpage and '10 Top Tips' PDF guide to telephone consultations. Both documents are packed with extremely useful, practical advice and tips to help doctors, other primary care clinicians, and patients navigate these almost uncharted waters at a time of unprecedented challenge for the health service.